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Consecration of vast swaths of our resources to the false god of "man-made climate change

Comments on: Deep Thoughts, Perhaps Too Deep By: coltakashi
Wednesday, April 29, 2009 5:32 PM
Environmental religion is opting to join Jihadist Islam, Communism and Nazism as a fourth great coercive despotism that is ready to deprive anyone of life, liberty and property who fails to make the "sacrifices" called for by the environmentalist gods.

The one distinction between environmentalism as a religion and most other historical religions is that "my salvation" in a traditional religion is based on what I believe and/or do, and what God does, and not what anyone else does with their lives. However, the essence of the religion of environmentalism is that the only "salvation" worth worrying about is the salvation of the natural world as we know it, and that kind of salvation only happens if EVERYONE ELSE conforms to the religion of environmentalism! Furthermore, environmentalist believers have gone beyond the point of relying on persuasive proselyting to convert people to their faith; they believe the earth's salvation is so urgent that everyone must be compelled to support environmentalist beliefs, whether they want to or not. Environmentalists believe that anyone who does not agree with them either understands what they are talking about and intentionally refuses to cooperate (making them evil) or they are ignorant of the "truth" and must be forcibly educated while their freedom to not cooperate is illegitimate because it is based on ignorance, and if they "really knew", they would cooperate.

Islam has a reputation for historically coercing people to become Muslims; it was in fact not quite as blatant as "Islam or the sword", but dhimmitude was a significant burden on Christians and Jews, and nowadays tolerance for "people of the book" is at an all time low among many Muslims, who feel threatened by any disagreement or dissent, putting Coptic and Assyrian Christians who have lived in Egypt and Mesopotamia for two thousand years at risk of extinction.

Environmental religion is opting to join Jihadist Islam, Communism and Nazism as a fourth great coercive despotism that is ready to deprive anyone of life, liberty and property who fails to make the "sacrifices" called for by the environmentalist gods. We are already seeing those who dissent from the Environmental Articles of Faith--e.g. that Global Warming is punishment by Nature for humanity's sins--being censored professionally and politically. The cap and trade and carbon taxes that are imposed by the Obama Administration will liberally punish anyone who refuses to cooperate in the consecration of vast swaths of our resources to the false god of "man-made climate change".

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